In 2017 MiDO partnered with global fintech company Entersekt to make an impact on an even bigger scale through the YES programme. Entersekt and MiDO have been working together since June 2017 when Entersekt first invested in a number of corporate social investment initiatives that would benefit youth and learners from disadvantaged backgrounds in the greater Jamestown area and beyond.

The MiDO Foundation’s work focuses on forming partnerships and collaborations with various stakeholders to achieve the shared goal of changing lives through technology. MiDO’s collaborative effort with Entersekt through the YES programme has improved the employability of YES interns in many fields – especially since digital skills and literacy are vital job requirements in the fourth industrial revolution.

One of the YES interns that have secured employment during his internship is Keith Adams. Midway through his time at MiDO, Kyle was appointed as a Senior Technical Client Support Agent at a company focusing on mobile technology solutions for the medical and education sectors.

Adams, who is from Stellenbosch, was unemployed with minimal skills when he joined the programme. We sat down with him to speak about his experience at MiDO and how it led him to a permanent job.

Did the YES internship experience at MiDO help you to find permanent employment?

My experience as a YES intern at MiDO’s digital hub helped me secure permanent employment because the technological skills required by my current job aligned with what I learnt at MiDO. At MiDO and at my current job, I have learnt how to enrich lives through education with technology. The MiDO Foundation gave me the opportunity to digitally express myself while learning new digital skills.

What job related skills did you have after participating in the YES internship?

I had prior work experience in other sectors, but MiDO taught me valuable computer skills that have complemented my other skill sets significantly. One of the skills I learnt at MiDO that has been particularly valuable in my current career is learning how to work with Google Suite and utilising Google services as an educational tool. In my current job we use Google in our daily tasks.

What was your overall experience while working at MiDO?

My experience at MiDO was absolutely fabulous. The organisation allowed me to bring new ideas to the table, which made me feel valued as an intern. I received incredible support throughout my journey at MiDO and am forever thankful for the opportunity to learn and gain valuable skills. The MiDO Foundation has also taught me to embrace the learning process as it brings personal growth, which adds value to my career.