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MBSA proud of BBBEE Level 2 achievement - yes4youth

Written by Admin | Jul 26, 2022 8:26:30 AM

ARTICLE BY: The Herald reporter


Mercedes-Benz SA (MESA) has achieved another transformation milestone after attaining its Level 2 Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) contributor status. MBSA CEO Andreas said they were proud of attaining the certification and of moving up two levels.

“MBSA supports the need to establish SA as a location for the future, especially in the automotive industry. In 2021 MBSA was certified as a Level 6 BBBEE contributor and set an ambitious goal of reaching BBBEE Level 4 by 2022. “Today [Monday], we are proud to have surpassed goal by moving up two levels and achieving a Level 2 BBBEE contributor status and consider it to be a progressive step in our transformation journey.” Brand said the certification demonstrated MBSA’s commitment to transformation of the company and the automotive industry.

In achieving the certification, MBSA deliberately improved upon most of the elements on the BBEE scorecared from its 2020 rating. To this end, each element of the scorecard was the responsibility of the executive committee members as well as key departments within the organisation, to further drive transformation at a strategic operational level.

In addition, to augment its transformation efforts, MBSA also participated in the Automotive Industry Transformation Fund (AITF) as well as the Youth Employment Service (YES) initiative which are mandates to pioneer inclusive growth through access to market, funding and capacity development and work opportunities for young South Africans.

“MESA is a global company operating locally and is dedicated to advancing the codes of good practice within the sector, transforming the automotive value chain and empowering people and communities. “We congratulate all the employees of MBSA who contributed to this milestone. “The journey to Level 1 contributor status is our next ambitious target as a company, and we are committed to achieving this to further demonstrate our steadfast commitment to transformation.” Brand said.