We’ve already created over 38,500 new jobs.
Join over 1,100 businesses already kickstarting the new economy. Together we can help South Africa to build STARS – youth Skilled Through Alternative Routes. A 12-month work experience makes all the difference in a youth’s life and brings fresh new ideas and skills into your industry and business.
Say YES to this new story and watch as our society transforms. The Youth Employment Service (YES) is a joint national initiative between business, government and labour, working together to create thousands of jobs in South Africa, while allowing you to gain up to two levels on your B-BBEE scorecard.
Thousands of jobs mean new taxpayers, new skilled employees, new customers and less crime. Thousands of jobs could mean a new South Africa. All you have to do is say YES, to help further this success story:
[image_with_animation image_url=”2847″ animation=”Fade In” hover_animation=”none” alignment=”center” border_radius=”none” box_shadow=”none” image_loading=”default” max_width=”100%” max_width_mobile=”default”]YES is an ideal talent funnel which de-risks recruitment. YES enables you to try out youth cohorts and select the best fit. Develop these gems into long term employees with best matches to your organisation’s culture and values.
The YES B-BBEE Level Up Benefit:
Gain B-BBEE levels and points for impactful ESD spend
- Create the target number of work experiences and benefit with a B-BBEE rating increase of one full level*. Or two levels if you double your youth target
- This is a unique YES benefit over and above the standard B-BBEE scorecard elements
- The Web-based YES calculator lets you easily compute your YES youth target – the number of youth lives to invest in and transform
- Receive recognition in your Skills Development category by investing in informal training and claim up to 50% of your spend on Skills Development (category F and G)
[nectar_btn size=”small” button_style=”regular” button_color_2=”Accent-Color” icon_family=”none” text=”Apply Now” url=”http://yes4youth.co.za/4-business/”]
How YES Works:
There are two ways to offer these life-changing work
experiences to youth:
Option 1 – Inside your business
Provide a 12-month work experience within your company.
Option 2A – A turnkey solution; Host youth at an existing
supply chain partner, SME, or NGO
Sponsor the placement YES candidates in third-party
enterprises. YES has a wide range of high impact social partners
across the country in communities where jobs are needed.
Option 2B – Hosted in a YES Hub as part of an enterprise
Development opportunity
Sponsor a YES candidate to grow or support a new enterprise.[nectar_btn size=”small” button_style=”regular” button_color_2=”Accent-Color” icon_family=”none” text=”Register Now” url=”http://yes4youth.co.za/yes-b-bbee-benefits/”]*The YES Level Up Benefit applies, even with limited or no Black ownership. This means that multinationals and family-owned businesses with no black ownership can participate in meaningful B-BBEE. Have a powerful B-BBEE impact and an impressive scorecard. All you need is to meet the sub-minimum, this means an average of 50% across all three priority elements (even if you have zero Black Ownership, you can make up for it with higher ESD and Skills points).Your business can receive the YES B-BBEE benefits almost immediately. The dtic has offered leniency to businesses that are in their first year of participation in the programme at verification of B-BBEE. Businesses that are hosting or sponsoring YES youth who have not yet completed eight months of their 12-month quality work experience are still able to qualify and level up, but youth can work until their 12 months are up and then be absorbed. Only a 2,5% absorption rate required to comply. Other details and terms are applicable.