YES Updates

YES | Minimum Wage Update | 2022 - yes4youth

Written by Admin | Mar 3, 2022 10:04:39 AM
Dear valued YES partner

Thank you for helping us create over 71,000 quality work experiences. We know that the YES salary is far more than just a paycheque. The YES 12-month quality work experience equips unemployed youth with a toolkit to be a beacon of hope for their families, households and communities. 88% of YES Youth come from grant recipient households, and 91% have dependents, meaning that the impact of the YES salary ripples through families and even communities. Collectively, we’ve put over R4 billion back into the economy through youth wallets.

And now, this salary will be going much further, with the recent minimum wage increase, effective 01 March 2022.

Minimum Wage Update

An amendment to the Minimum Wage Act of 2018 has increased the national minimum wage from R21.69 per ordinary hour worked to R23.19.

National Minimum Wage Increase: The Department of Labour has amended the Minimum Wage Act of 2018 (Gazette No. 44136, 08 February 2022)

But what does this wage increase mean for you?

Where a YES Youth works 40 ordinary hours per week, the YES Youth will need to be paid a minimum wage of R4,407.00 per month.

  • It’s an increase of R260.00 from the R3,760.00 that has been invoiced to you so far in your YES journey.
  • Adding to this, The Skills Development Levy and Unemployment Insurance Fund contribution will therefore also increase by a combined R80.40 per youth per month.
  • This is calculated at 1% of R4,020.00 per month for each of UIF and SDL (R4,407.00 x 2% = R80.40) and brings the total increased wage cost to R4,407 per youth per month.

If your YES Youth wages are paid via YES, you will shortly be receiving an invoice from YES for the related minimum wage top-up contribution required. Be sure to check your sector-specific clauses around the minimum wage.

Youth employment is, now, more than ever, critical for the many families and communities an income supports. Sowing the seeds today means that we can reap a better future tomorrow, together. Your investment in our future matters.

Best wishes, 

The YES Team

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