YES Youth Stories

Tyler Pillay - yes4youth

Written by Admin | Jun 30, 2021 9:28:34 AM

Tyler Pillay
Hosted at: iHappify
Employer: Google

Prior to joining iHappify and the YES programme, Tyler Pillay described life as colourless and without meaning. “My days were mainly black, grey and white, but now I’ve found a family where I can be myself and discover my potential and strengths,” he says.

Thanks to YES, Tyler says colour has been added to his life: “I’ve learned to smile, be happy and enjoy living to the fullest. I have grown in many ways and developed new talents. I thrive in sales, customer service and have improved my people skills. I’m very excited to have been afforded the opportunity with YES/iHappify and I look forward to growing immensely and sharing my experience with others in similar situations.”